The True Healer

We tend to blur the lines between the Healer and the means of healing. The Healer is only Hashem. The means of healing… they are simply Hashem’s means.

The Torah instructs us to guard our health and follow the advice of medical professionals. In doing so, it is easy to think that the natural order of science and medicine wields power in our lives. It doesn’t. Not in the slightest form. Hashem is always our One and only Power.

In the following letters, we will explore a unique, four-point plan for ideal health.

1) Follow medical advice

2) Turn your mind away from overthinking

3) Cultivate your trust in Hashem

4) Learn Chassidus, which strengthens your awareness and trust in Hashem

Doctors were given permission to heal - not to predict the future and not to direct our moods. Our future is completely, securely in Hashem’s Good Hands. This awareness helps us maintain a peaceful heart.


The Four-point Plan for Ideal Health

23 Teves, 5711

Greetings and Blessings,

In response to your letter of Thursday, Parshas Vayechi, where you inform me that you underwent several operations.

In general, it is a pity that you take an interest and contemplate medical texts regarding what appears to you to be your ailment. According to my opinion, you should not do anything other than act according to the Torah’s command, i.e., to actually carry out the doctors’ instructions and for you to focus your mind and your heart — i.e., your thoughts regarding your condition — on the firm trust in Hashem that He is the Healer of all the sick and that He works wonders. You should not involve yourself in matters concerning medical knowledge because this is not relevant to you, and in particular, it disturbs your peace of mind and arouses despair. There is a well-known saying from several of the Chabad Rebbeim that was repeated several times:1 Tracht gut, vet zain gut; “Think good; think positively, and the outcome will be good.”

With regard to your recovery:

a) Surely you are following the instructions of the doctors;

b) Divert your attention from deep contemplation about your health;

c) Have strong trust in Hashem, for there is nothing that can stop Him -- and who can tell Him what to do?;

d) Develop an even stronger bond with the Tree of Life, the teachings of Chassidus, “the words of the living Aibershter.” [In practice,] with regard to yourself, you should establish a fixed time for the study of Chassidus and increase your study of it to the greatest degree possible in addition to this fixed time... May Hashem grant you long and good years. May you increase strength and power in the study of the Torah and the careful observance of mitzvos, and may you convey good news with regard to all the matters mentioned above.

(Igros Kodesh Vol 4 / letter #872)


Stick to the Plan and stop analyzing, wondering and predicting your health

Tammuz 18, 5715

… In regard to his health, I already told many people in similar situations, that one must do as the doctor recommends. So visit the doctor, who will then advise you what to do.

But do not invest your deep thinking and even your [regular] thought in your health. And what is specifically relevant to you – do not think about it so much.

From your letter, it seems that you are doing the opposite of this: You are delving deeply and investing your thoughts, “What is the status today? Yesterday? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?” And you have strange assessments about this, and [on the other hand, in practical terms,] you’re not even visiting the doctor, so it’s not possible to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Since you’ve been doing this for many months, maybe try from now on to follow my above mentioned advice.

Don’t cause yourself damage…
Follow the Plan!

B”H, 27 Teves, 5712

Greetings and Blessings!

I read your letter of 24 Teves in which you write about your situation and that you saw the doctor’s reports and [you write about] the impact it had on you – how you envision the future [based on the medical report,] how you are saying Tehillim and making requests of Hashem. You are asking for my opinion about all of this.


The fact that you are saying Tehillim and making requests of Hashem is certainly good, because He is the Master of the entire world, and of every person, including each and every detail.

But what you write about becoming absorbed in the doctor’s report and envisioning the future [based on that report,] I am not in agreement with you about this, because it is completely irrelevant for you; it is not part of your life’s purpose.

HoRav Dov Yehuda Schochet writes to me that you are a Yid who keeps Torah and Mitzvos. Therefore, you certainly believe that Hashem is the Master of the world. We see that even with human behavior, when one is a good homemaker, everything is organized and things are not mixed up. Every detail serves a specific, intentional purpose.

If this is how it is with a person who is limited in everything and can sometimes make mistakes, how much more so is Hashem’s ”שקייט'הבתי בעל –” Hashem’s “management.” Every single detail, whatever and wherever it is, needs to fulfill its own specific purpose, in a complete way. And when a person does something that is different from his purpose, there are two disadvantages:

1) Since he is not equipped for that task, he can only cause damage.

2) [This involvement] takes away – diverts [energy] – from fulfilling the real purpose that is designated for you.

All of the above directly applies to you, for a number of reasons that are surely hashgocha protis: your profession is not medical, and you were raised as a Yid who keeps Torah and mitzvos. From this, we know two things:

1) Medicine is not your unique purpose in this world; it is not what Hashem wants from you.

2) Keeping Torah and mitzvos, including Ahavas Yisroel; including ’וכו תוכיח הוכח” – you shall surely warn / teach [others]”; and also as it says in the sefer Tana Dvei Eliyohu, “When you see someone unclothed, cover him,” that when you see a Yid who is without Torah and mitzvos, try to clothe him with Torah and mitzvos – this is your purpose; this is the mission for which you were created.

From this it is clear that when you express your evaluations and opinions in matters of medical science, firstly, this distracts you from fulfilling your mission which is designated for you. Secondly, in matters of your healing, you could only chas v’sholom cause damage and you can absolutely not improve things. You can chas v’sholom cause damage, because when you’re upset, you will think and imagine things that will never happen – and automatically, this weakens [the conduit of] your blessings and it weakens your trust in Hashem Yisboreich, through absorbing and delving into what this doctor says and what the other professor thinks, etc.

And if you’re asking my opinion, I’m telling you: You need to conduct yourself as the holy Torah requires you to do.

And the Torah says that the Torah gives [a doctor] permission to heal. (Bava Kama 85a, on Shmos 21:19) This means that the Torah gives us permission to consult with doctors and gives doctors permission and the possibility only to heal people and rectify them. And this is why people commonly go to a doctor and we follow their medical advice. There is nothing else for you to do in this matter – leave that to the doctor.

What you [do] need to do, is be confident in Hashem that you will have ושנים ימים אריכות – a long life. The possuk (in Mishlei 21:21) says: 'ה יראת” ”לחיים” – Awe of Hashem [leads] to life.”

Accordingly, the stronger your trust in Hashem is, and the less doubts you have in this; and the more you will invest yourself in fulfilling your mission in this world – as mentioned before – to keep Torah and mitzvos and also to have a positive impact on others in this regard, the more אריכות ימים, long years, you will have. This is [to be understood] literally, with no ”לעך'פשט”, with no alternative, creative interpretations.

Completely forget about the report and about what you have been reading in the medical books, because this is not your mission in this world – it does not belong to you at all. And since it doesn’t belong to you, it cannot make things better for you and in general it can only cause the opposite chas v’sholom.

Make sure to say the daily Tehillim every day after davening in the morning, (as the Tehillim is divided according to the days of the month,) and every day, learn Chumash with Rashi [according to the Parsha of the week.] You should also take part in the available shiurim, sessions of Torah study; and at least one of the shiurim should be in Chassidus.

And it is self-understood, that you should make it your goal, as the possuk says and the Baal Shem Tov haKodosh expected of Chassidim, 'ה את עבדו” ”בשמחה,” Serve Hashem with joy.” This applies to your davening and learning and also to your eating, drinking and everything else that people do – even sleep, as the Rambam writes in Hilchos De’os. And when you will do this, you will start to feel better and even better; and you will become healthier and healthier and you will be able to share good news with me about this.

It would also be appropriate, גלייך אויך וואלט עס געווען, that every day before davening in the morning and before mincha, you should give a few cents to tzedoka, (except, of course, on Shabbos and Yom Tov.)

I hope, and I am sure that you will accept my suggestions and directives and that you will let me know about all of this as soon as possible.

With blessings for good health and a רפואה קרובה, a speedy healing, and for many long and good years, may you be able to fulfill your mission in this world with הנפש מנוחת, a peaceful spirit, and הגוף מנוחת, a peaceful body, and may you be a real Chossid.

(Igros Kodesh Vol 5 / P. 156-158)

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A Doctor is Hashem’s Messenger