When the Yetzer Horah Says, “Maybe Not.”

Trusting in Hashem would be straightforward and simple - except that it isn’t... It’s a challenge, because we have a Yetzer Horah. The word “Nisayon” means challenge and it also means to uplift.

The Rebbe explains that these two meanings are connected. To overcome a challenge, we must tap into our innermost strengths. And when we do, Hashem uplifts us and energizes in a way that we could never do on our own. Every time we defy our Yetzer Horah, we invite Hashem’s blessings into our lives - and into the world.

This moment, choose Bitachon over fear. May our moments of choice add up, a rising force amidst the darkness - a force of blessing, a force of healing and a final push for the ultimate goodness - the geula.


Hashem wants to Convince the Malochim On High

I have heard about the branches of business; how they aren’t succeeding as they have been expected to succeed. Certainly we must view this is a test, which Hashem wants to test Yidden. Although Hashem knows that the Jewish heart is always open and at all times ready to heed the call of Torah and mitzvos, still, He tests us in order to satisfy the reluctant-to-believe Malochim of the Heavenly Court. Hashem therefore shows them: “See, although the Yetzer Horah [attempts to] deceive a Yid, convincing him that he must now give less tzedakah, being that the business is not as it once was, Yidden outsmart [the Yetzer]; they understand that this is only an attempt to test them.” And when you will withstand the test and you will understand the real intent of it all, not only will your business be as prosperous as before this challenge; it will be even better than before. For a father loves when his son understands the true intention of his father’s actions; and the more the child reveals wisdom which lies within, so much greater are the gifts that he receives from his father. People in business say that the longer one is in the field, the better he grasps the concepts of business. Therefore, as you are already in business for a long time, you will certainly understand Hashem’s intention in the situation mentioned above. And just as with any good investment, whether in a hotel or another business, not only should we not decrease Hashem’s share of it, to the contrary, we should give even more on His account. Then, Hashem will fulfill His assurance stated in Torah: “Aser bishvil shetisasher” – “Give a tenth [to tzedoka] in order that you become wealthy” – and He will give you, His “partner,” an even greater income than before.

(From Igros Kodesh vol. 7 p. 337)

Revealing your hidden strengths

I was pleased to see from his letter that he realizes that ... this is merely a Nisayon, a test, which many Seforim explain the concept of a Nisayon. Seemingly, being that Hashem knows everything, what is the benefit of Him testing us? The benefit is for the person who encounters a Nisayon, for the strength which was within him in a form of potential, now comes into actuality. And even more than this: he reveals within himself strengths that were completely hidden. Now, [these strengths move] from hiddenness to being exposed, and with this, he also attains greater empowerment and light in all of his endeavors in Torah and Mitzvos, in addition to – the greater strength and energy in – what he has been tested in. And explaining this at length to someone of your virtue, is merely redundant. Without a doubt, you will stand strong … Be aware of Hashem in all that you do, and as the Ba’al Shem Tov instructs – in a manner of “Ivdu es Hashem b’simcha” – serve Hashem with Joy.

(From Igros Kodesh vol. 7 p. 284)


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